Post by CS Revolked on Jun 11, 2008 14:06:34 GMT -5
What if questions?
Set it out like this:
Question: What if Spear and Crystal Amy never met on Hero Island, and thus, never became friends?
Answer: Spear would be captured and sent back to the factory he ran away from. At the age of 20 he unfortunately dies because he can't hack it. CA however, lives a nice comfortable life still, and just spends the rest of her days with Mystico at the Ice Emerald shrine, and all the rest of the job.
Yeah.... give it a try.
Post by Timewarp on Jun 11, 2008 14:20:29 GMT -5
what if questions? You haven't really explained it much. Is the other person suppose to give the answer to the question? do you do both and hope nobody gets bored? DOES DIAGO GET SHOT OUT OF A MAN-CANNON? (Actually i liked the idea for the last one!)
Question: What would happen if timewarp and diago never met?
Answer: timewarp (having never met anyone he cared about) dosen't care if unknown takes over the earth meaning the most of the universe is defeated by unknown, the whole universe is now ruled by unknown (diago is now dead in this parallel universe)
timewarp meanwhile is enjoying a happy life, best friends with unknown instead! wasen't that a great story children!
Post by CS Revolked on Jun 11, 2008 14:54:24 GMT -5
Question: What iof I had never become obsessed with Shadow?
Answer: My life would have no meaning, and the world would prosper better, and maybe world peace would be enacted. (last two are jokes, the first is serious)
Post by Timewarp on Jun 11, 2008 14:57:45 GMT -5
you never know, i would say that you might be more friendly becasue people's attitude towards you would change.
Post by CS Revolked on Jun 13, 2008 13:04:26 GMT -5
Nah, maybe depressed... dunno about friendly. Are you saying you don't know the real me now?
Question: What if I lived in America, not England?
Answer: I'd be an American... LOLERZ!
Post by Timewarp on Jun 14, 2008 12:27:28 GMT -5
question: what if god was one of us?
Answer: there would be no god!
Post by CS Revolked on Jun 21, 2008 10:04:20 GMT -5
What if I had never found this site?
Actually... I dunno!
Post by Timewarp on Jun 21, 2008 11:00:00 GMT -5
i can fill this in, having never made friends with any of us instead you become an M16 agent and become like james bond were you and a team of 5 other people search to discover the location of hero island, Unfortunly the neutrious Baron Burr has other plans and kills most of you intill a flying Yoshi devours him ripping him Apart, the happy yoshi flys you to hero island where you find spear and all your other FanFic friends as well as shadow and sonic!
Don't you just wish you never find the light castle now!
Post by CS Revolked on Jul 9, 2008 12:04:17 GMT -5
What if I was 4 years older than I am now? (18)
I'd be the same as I am now, except older.
Post by Timewarp on Jul 14, 2008 6:23:02 GMT -5
what if unknown really did exsist and took over the universe?
Well not much would change. Proberly would actually make it a better place. (even unknown says no to knife crime, give them to him then he can take over! ^_^)
Post by Tymki on Jul 14, 2008 11:00:22 GMT -5
What if computer games were real life?
Either life would be a lot better or living hell, probably the latter.
Zombies and Fire-breathing tortoises... Not a good mix. XD
Post by CS Revolked on Jul 27, 2008 5:52:35 GMT -5
What if I didn't have a Wii?
Answer: I just wouldn't have one. Period.
Post by Timewarp on Aug 31, 2008 10:05:02 GMT -5
what if pokemon replaced animals?
Answer: then i would capture all the rares with my master balls and use them to take over CS15's land and conqour her making spear my persernal slave. Not that CS15 isn't already using him for that already.
Post by CS Revolked on Aug 31, 2008 10:17:40 GMT -5
Spear is my personal slave! He does everything, like teh cooking, cleaning, and everything else. Also, I play with him on computer games, and I force him to get thrashed by me. He's like a ROB, instead he's a HIB Hedgehog Interactive Buddy!
Post by Timewarp on Aug 31, 2008 11:01:05 GMT -5
Get your free HIB at Timewarp's barely legal business company now and recieve the real R.O.B absolutly free
ROB: I DEMAND MY DIGNITY *Is crashed by a heavy load with the word DIGNITY on it*
What if a HIB actually exsisted? Then i would make a lot of money from CS15.