Zigs, the choice is yours.
But, though this may not matter to you at all, I must say it.
The ceremony WON'T get you answers.
It won't help you.
Listen, bad things happen, but you won't get the answers by hurting yourself in some sort of ceremony.
There are many secrets in this world.
So many.
Like this one - The question of who my dad is living with now?
What she looks like?
How she behaves?
What is it about her that made my Dad drop my family for her?
The difference is though, despite curiosity, I don't intend to find this out.
Not that I don't want to, but because of certain... Experiences.
I've seen things I should never have seen, because of curiosity.
Because of temptation.
Temptation has destroyed me.
... But I'm back. I'm reforming myself, pulling together the old shards of who I truly am.
And only one could ever help me do that.
I don't care if this sounds cliche', I'm sayin' it anyway.
Only God could help me.
No one, not even - Though I hate to say it - FM5, could help me to fully recover.
... Zigs, the man in charge of that cult will not provide everything you're seeking.
I don't know who he is, nor what powers or authority he has, in this world or beyond, but I know that he is a man.
A human.
And is scarred within, just like the rest of us.
Every member on this forum, every human in existence, is scarred.
Scarred by evil.
It's an inherited disease, which only has one cure, one penalty...
That was our fate.
But, then something changed.
Someone, perfectly innocent, chose to take the sentence himself, chose to take the justified death penalty instead, with full knowledge of the pain and suffering he'd endure.
That same man... Was our creator.
He made us, and died for us, bearing that horrible penalty...
So we wouldn't have to.
He gave up his holy might, to suffer like us, carrying our every darkness, carrying his own death sentence, up to the cruel, wooden structure, symbolising a slow, agonising execution.
He was mocked, beaten, before dying of suffocation.
He descended, not just to the dead, but to Hell itself.
Temptation, knowing that he had been unable to infect this newcomer, that the newcomer was perfectly innocent, and without crime, yet now bore the brunt of every evil ever devised, tortured him.
Temptation tortured the man, deep within the darkest realms, where no light had before touched.
Three days of Earth passed, but in the realm of Hell, time would not pass so fast.
The man endured, most likely, an eternity of suffering, and eternity we were destined to follow...
But then, on Earth's third day, from the man's grave, came a voice, proclaiming.
The man, the creator, the one who sacrificed all, for us, was back.
Even Temptation, the victor of billions of spiritual battles, was unable to hold the man - For he had chosen, without any crime of his own, to fall from being the master of everything, to become the one human who bore the eternal suffering of every man, woman and child, to ever exist.
Though he had suffered an eternity of pure suffering and torment, he returned, somethng which, no matter how many times you read it, will always confuse you.
That man was Jesus.
He died for you.
And yet, despite all that pain he went through, for you, he still loves you... In fact, that is why he did it.
Hell is no longer our fate.
Every one of us has a choice.
And, no matter what you do, God, who is also Jesus can always forgive you.
And he will, if you just ask.
It is your choice, but you can count on this -
Jesus wants you to go to heaven.
That's what he died to do.
Need evidence to back some of this up?
Well, do you think it's NATURAL for a boy of 15 years of age to write that on the spot?!