Well, I'm homeschooled, so I am a single student. But, I go to church and there is people my age there. Two months ago, I stopped going to the highschool class. I tried EVERYTHING!
I tried talking to the girls and all they could give me was a "Oh, hi...". Then they turned their backs to me, ignoring me.
All the boys in the highschool class wouldn't accept me either. Probably because I wear a dress or shirt and skirt, thinking I'm like the other girls. I'm FAR from being like any of them! If I could, I'd wear my cool clothing - trust me, my cool clothing isn't trashy though, I'm not like that. XD And if I could, I'd let them all know I'm more interested in non-girlish hobbies. ^_~ I like video games, designing awesome images, drawing and writing. And ALL of those hobbies explain I'm no high-class gal. For cryin' out loud, I draw DRAGONS - so soooo proud of it!!
And I write about adventure, dudes.
I'm an all-around person, interested in several things.
So, since no one paid me any attention, I left and went to my mom's class, the adult's class. I'm happy there and the topics are more mature, giving me more insight. HOWEVER...I have no youth companionship. So this last Sunday, yes yesterday, I went BACK to the highschool class to see if I could kick up some conversation before the lesson.
Guess what happened...
Ha! Thought I was gonna say everyone noticed me, right? WRONG!!
I had been gone for two months and NO ONE said a word to me. Not even a "Hi".
Like I said, I'm totally invisible to these people. And, frankly, I REALLY don't like them now. And to be even more honest, I think they suck.
I LOVE my church and the adults, but people my own age stink. I don't like them at all, treating me like that. I listened carefully to all conversations, trying to find a way through. But...no. The girls, such snobs, only talk about their precious school life and boyfriends - like, who in the heck would like such people??
And the boys, so immature, go on about absolutely nothing. ~_~
Make friends you say? Not if I keep running into people like that! My youth group is awful, but I love my church regardless. So, whqat I do?? I didn't even STAY for that class. I got up and walked out, couldn't take the pain any longer. I didn't cry, but I sure felt irritated. Gracious, they didn't question about me leaving!!
See how insensitive these teenagers are?!?
I went back to my mom's class. There I enjoyed a wonderful lesson. It was based on what you would say to someone who asks you about your church and such. Like, what would you tell them first? Or...what would you teach them first if they were interested? Well, you tell them about Jesus, the reason we all go to church. That He loves us and cares for us, and will give us hope when there is none. That He is the son of God and He died for us on the cross, saving us from our fiery fate. That we can pray to Him and He shall listen, and answer our prayers according to what is right for our lives. Then I'd tell them that our church follows strictly by the Bible, not adding or removing anything from it. That's what I'd let someone know.
Oh and our lesson brought some people to speak up about different things. Like my old ladies' class teacher, Susan, mentioned a wonderful thing. She said that people will notice if you are a Christian or not. I think that's VERY true. ^_^
I just now noticed that I said some pretty deep things. Some in anger, some in peace. But...I wouldn't take back a thing. I meant it all. This last Sunday, I learned a different lesson many do not learn though. I learned...that if people ignore you, don't even give them the chance to get to know you. Someday, when I go to TCC and make real friends and learn far more interesting things, they will see what they didn't before. They will notice me. More importantly, I'll show them what they've been missing out on. I won't ignore them, I'll be friends with them if they want, but I be able to say I don't need them. And...maybe I never needed them. I DON'T need them.
I've got God, Jesus and Holy Spirit - the blessed Trinity. I've got my mom, my dad, my big sis, SF7 - my lifetime company. I've got ALL OF YOU! You all, my sincere friends who care about me.
And someday, I will be visible to others. They have yet to discover who I am. I'll meet future friends, I'll eventually meet a man I'll love forever. And I'll be pursuing my dreams, trying to make them reality. I'm strong, compassionate, loving, sincere, a bleeding heart...and someday I'll be able to show others who I really am deep down. I will be seen..as you all see me.
The REAL FM5!!